Macau has a special place in my heart. With the recent catastrophic typhoon Hato in Macau, I thought I would share with your perspective on this event. Typhoo Hato was recorded the hardest hit Macau faced in 50 years. While I was in Malaysia, my dad was in Macau when this all happened. I saw footage all over social media throughout the week on what was taking place. The videos went viral. The huge trees that seem a decade old were completely uprooted! The flood on the streets was so high and dangerous. People’s homes were damaged and wrecked so badly. The window was completely blown into pieces leaving them open and vulnerable to the typhoon. It was unbelievable, and my heart was broken and grieving for my home. But with this darkness and distress, I saw a light that is shining over my city like never people.


Macau Eco-Trailhiker clean-up on the trail. 


  1. We are stronger as a community

There has never been before a closer community in Macau. People are coming together with one common goal in restoring Macau. This beautiful city that is my home. It’s the first time that we have seen the People’s Liberation Army. They have been around since the Macau Handover to China in 1999. I mean it makes me think, where were this army all along? It also reminds me that the army was trained for a time such as this. I see the policeman and firefighter bravely and boldly doing their duties day and night.

I see neighbors, friends, families coming together in clean-ups all over Macau. There have been cleanups organized by Mana Vida, who is a local fitness organization. They have been proactive in organizing clean ups all over Macau. Macau Eco Trailhiker organized a cleanup on the trails in Coloane. Blissful Carrot’s, which is my favorite vegan place was offering up bottles of water for those who were still in shortage. We are all doing what we can to restore Macau.

You are all awesome!! Thank You for caring!!

I am just in awe of how loving my community is. 😍😍🙌🏼🙌🏼

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  1. Cultivating Gratitude

Macau had power and water shortages all over. This event can teach us to be thankful for what we have. Our family, food, shelter, electricity, the list goes on. We can appreciate all the resources that we have living in the city.

  1. Environmental Awareness

Before Typhoon Hato hit Macau, I saw this picture on Facebook of the Hac-Sa Beach. My eyes were opened by the trash that was washed up on the shore. It was so ugly and the worst part was that some people would need to get baptized there!! This made me realize that it was many people’s plastic trail that we needed to clean up. I only got this awareness from watching this movie called “A Plastic Ocean” on Netflix. (Movie will be linked below.) I highly encourage you to watch it. This documentary was a huge eye opener for me! It shares about how the plastic waste is polluting the oceans. It’s great to watch it with your family and friends. As a result, it leads me to consciously make small changes that would help the environment. For starters, instead of using a plastic bag, I bring a recycle bag wherever I go. 

Now, of course, it is in a greater mess with the aftermath of Typhoon Hato. There is a beach clean up coming up this Sunday on 10th September. With your help joining in, we can get this beach cleaned up into better condition!!! 

Let’s keep praying for Macau. 🇲🇴🇲🇴❤❤

God Bless, Kirby

A Plastic Ocean Film

Mana Vida Beach Clean Up



Published by kirbykathykirby

Daughter of the Great I AM. I'm passionate about the prophetic and hosting His presence.

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