I’m just 3 weeks from moving to America to study at BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.) So excited! I’m taking the time, enjoying the last of Penang. I will surely miss this place!

After Run Selfie

This week my dad and I went for an afternoon run at Botanical Park. My dad is an avid runner and nature lover. He LOVES to run!! We bonded over running, spending some quality time together. ❤️

I had a great time running and thought about running a marathon. This is a really beautiful park, one of a kind. You can spot birds, monkeys, and trees of all sorts. Every time my dad visits this place, he is blown away by the beauty and creation of our God.


God is the maker of Heaven and Earth.

Psalm 104:14 “He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth.”

Psalm 8:3-4 “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”

After our run, we went for fresh-cut fruits. Unfortunately, there wasn’t any so we both had a nice fruit juice. Yummy! Beetroot, carrot, and apple. We sat down and had a nice conversation.

We also met 2 new friends sitting at the table next to us. My dad’s Macau Trailhiker shirt started the friendly conversation. At the back of his shirt, one of the Sponsors is Wynn resort. It so happens that the daughter’s name was also Wynn. We talked about America, uni, flights since she was leaving also to study in America in August. What a friendly conversation.

Go check out her IG account. @TheWynnThing

She is a travel photographer. I want to go to Europe now.






Published by kirbykathykirby

Daughter of the Great I AM. I'm passionate about the prophetic and hosting His presence.

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