Prophetic Insight for Hong Kong


I hear the Spirit say over Hong Kong “The Lion of Judah is roaring! The Lion of Judah is roaring!” It’s the roar of justice and righteous over the land. It is a roar of authority and rulership. He has not forgotten his people. He is in control of the situation.

There is a war in the heavenly realms over the destiny of Hong Kong. This tension Hong Kong has with China is unlike anything we have seen or heard in the past. It was at first a peaceful protest on July 1st, but then it quickly escalated. The issue is of the controversial bill (which would have allowed extraditions to mainland China). The Hong Kong people are fighting for freedom and of a democratic government. While this is still on going, I believe this will do several things in the process:

  1. It will strengthen and fortified the body of Christ. I strongly believe that Jesus is rallying the body of Christ to stand in unity in a stronger measure. He has put it in the hearts of many leaders and pastors to go deeper to seek the Lord at this time.
  2. More wisdom and insight will be release into the hearts of many people. The song “Sing Hallelujah To The Lord” was the unofficial anthem of the protest. Both believers and non-believers united in singing this anthem. Jesus has given wisdom and guidance to many believer to use worship is a way and a strategic tool of warfare.
  3. People will turn to God with a heart of repentance. This is the good news! In the time of unrest, uncertainty and chaos many will choose to turn to Jesus because he is the Prince of Peace. They will receive him into their hearts and become a new creation.
  4. Changes in the government will be made. The courts of Heaven control the destiny of Hong Kong. As Psalm 22:28 writes, “For the kingdom is the LORD’S And He rules over the nations.”

Hong Kong To Freedom!


There was a protest that happened at the Hong Kong International Airport. Someone got creative and changed one of the gate info. I found this picture prophetic. The gate number 77 carries a great significance! In the bible, the number seven represents perfection, fullness, and completion. Hong Kong is going to take of into a new phase.

I believe that God is going to pour out a greater measure of his glory all over Asia. There will be signs, wonders and healing. These are all powerful demonstration of the Holy Spirit. The glory of God will be seen in unprecedented ways beyond our imagination. There will be no words to describe the holiness, awe, and majesty of King Jesus! Please join me in prayer for Hong Kong. God bless!

Published by kirbykathykirby

Daughter of the Great I AM. I'm passionate about the prophetic and hosting His presence.

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